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  • Utilities

    Utilities enable the abstraction and reuse of common template functions and markup.

  • Preferences

  • XML

    XML powers Symphony's data engine and is used to structure content for templating.

  • Ensembles

    Ensembles bundle an entire Symphony project, including its database and workspace files, into an installable package.

  • Workspace

    The Workspace directory stores project-specific files like data sources, pages, utilities, and uploads.

  • XSLT

    XSLT powers Symphony's page templates and utilities, which together comprise the templating layer.

  • Devkits

    Devkits provide useful developer tools on the front end which facilitate debugging, profiling, and other tasks.

  • Admin Interface

    Symphony's Admin Interface, or back end, enables authors to manage content and system settings.

  • Authors

    Authors can login to the admin interface and manage a project and its content.

  • XPath

    XPath is used by XSLT to address nodes and perform basic computations while traversing an XML document.

  • Entries

    Entries represent individual content records in a section.

  • Pages

    Pages constitute a Symphony project's front-end interface and determine its URL structure.

  • Data Sources

    Data Sources fetch, filter, and sort data and expose it as XML to pages for templating.

  • Sections

    Sections model and define the types of content to be managed in a Symphony project.

  • Extensions

    Extensions add specialized functionality to the lean, mean Symphony core.

  • Events

    Events facilitate advanced front-end interactions such as data submission.

  • Handles

    Handles provide sanitized, URL-friendly equivalents for the values stored by many field types.

  • Page Templates

    Page Templates transform the XML provided to a page by its data sources.

  • Fields

    Fields give shape to sections and their entries by defining the data they capture.

  • Event Filters

    Event Filters add additional conditions or actions to an event.

  • Delegates

    Delegates allow developers to manipulate input and output and perform other tasks during the generation of back-end and front-end pages.

  • Data Source Filters

    Data Source Filters can use parameters, advanced operators, regular expressions, and normal values to filter results.

  • Extension File Structure

    How Symphony detects and loads extensions automatically.

  • Page Types

    Page Types enable special handling of pages, and are used to specify a project's home page, error pages, etc.

  • System Dates

    System Dates store creation timestamps for a Symphony project's content entries.

  • Output Parameters

    Data Source Output Parameters are set using the results from a data source and enable data source chaining.

  • Field Types

    Field Types define the structure of fields and govern their behavior in capturing and outputting data.

  • Parameters

    Parameters channel dynamically set values through the system for use by data sources and in the templating layer.

  • Data Source Chaining

    Data Source Chaining enables a data source to be filtered using the results provided by another data source.

  • System IDs

    System IDs provide unique identification numbers for a Symphony project's content entries.

  • Entries

    Entries represent individual content records in a section.

  • URL Parameters

    URL Parameters enable pages to capture and utilize parameters set dynamically in their URLs.

  • Text Formatters

    Text formatters can be applied to fields to transform or format their content before saving.

  • Navigation Groups

    Navigation Groups allow Sections to be grouped together in the Symphony admin interface.